What takes place in a Meelad celebration?
In such a celebration a session of Naat {Poems in praise of Rasoolullaah – sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} recitals take place, people are fed, and a sincere effort is made to fill the hearts of Muslims with the love of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}. The miracles, excellences and the character of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} are mentioned in Meelad gatherings. The Meelad function presents one with one of the best means of learning about Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} life.
The gatherings of Meelad-un-Nabi {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} are a great means for calling people towards Allaahu ta’aalaa. To mention The Holy Prophet Mohammad {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} in the month of his birth should be increased so that the people could arrange gatherings and congregations to refresh the memories of the Nabawi period.
It is a requirement of the Holy Qur’aan to show respect on the Meelad of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}. Allaahu ta’aalaa says: "In the bounty of Allah Almighty and His Mercy, in that, let them rejoice, that is better than the wealth they accumulate". {Surah Yunus : 58} Almighty Allaahu ta’aalaa had ordered us to rejoice on His Mercy and Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} is the greatest Mercy of Allaahu ta’aalaa to all the Worlds.
In the time of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}, the period of the Sahabah {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhum ajmain} and in the period of the Tabi'in {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhum ajmain}, Meelad was not celebrated as it is done in the present form. But The Holy Prophet {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}, Sahabah or Tabi'in {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhum ajmain} did not prohibit it as well. This is an accepted principle of Shari'ah that the performance of something is proof of Jawaaz {permissibility}, and not doing it is NOT the proof of its prohibition.
The Meelad celebration is not compulsory. It is Mustahab {recommended}. Hadrath Imam Jalaaluddin Suyuti {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} said that it is Mustahab for us to celebrate Meelad of The Holy Prophet {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} as to thank Allaah. {Ruhul Bayaan}
All the Ulema and Muslims of all the countries have regarded Meelad as Mustahab {recommended}. According to the Haadith ash-Shariif of Hadrath Ibn Masood {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu}, whichever deed is regarded as good by Muslims is good by Almighty Allaah as well, and whichever deed is regarded as evil by Muslims is evil by Almighty Allaah as well. Hadrath Imam Ahmed {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} has narrated this Haadith ash-Shariif.
Although the present form of Meelad is a Bid'ah {innovation – Bid’ah Hasanah or Good Innovation}, but the origin of Meelad is found in the time of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}. Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} himself made mention of his own Meelad by saying, "I am the Du'a of my father Hadrath Ibrahim {alaihimus salaam}, I am the good tidings of Hadrath 'Isa {alaihimus salaam}, and I am the son of the two slaughtered ones {Hdrath Ismail – alaihimus salaam and Hadrath Abdullaah – radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu}."
The Holy Prophet’s {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} uncle and an arch enemy of Islam, Abu Lahab, set his slave Thuwaiba free being happy for the Meelad of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}. Abu Lahab's punishment is made light every Monday as a reward of his act, i.e. of expressing happiness for the birth of The Holy Prophet {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}. {Bukharii Shariif}
It is Sunnah to commemorate happiness. Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} was asked about fasting on a Monday. He replied, "I was born on that day and Wahi {Revelation} began upon me on that day." {Mishkat Shariif}. It is now proven that to keep fast on a Monday is Sunnah because Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} was born on that day.
When certain of the Sahabah used to recite the praises of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} in poetry form, Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} used to rejoice and reward those Sahabah {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhum ajmain}. In the Meelad function, the character and virtues of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} are explained and His praises are recited in poetry and prose form. To mention the miracles and character of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} leads towards love and the completion of Imaan with Him, which is required by the Shari'ah.
Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} expressed the virtues of Jummah {Friday} by saying that Hadrath Aadam {alaihimus salaam} was born on that day. Therefore, imagine the virtue of that day when Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} was born!
Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} said that anyone who invented a good deed and people later practiced upon it, they will be rewarded. Meelad is a good deed.
Allaahu ta’aalaa says in the Holy Qur’aan: "And all that We relate to you of the tiding of the Messengers is for the purpose of strengthening your heart therewith". {Surah Hud : 20} We are in need of strengthening our hearts with the mentioning of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} and other Prophets {alaihimus salaam} and the Meelad gives us this opportunity.
Hadrath Imaam Shafi'i {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} said: "Anything which opposes {or changes} the Qur’aan, Sunnah, Ijma {consensus} or the sayings of the Sahabah is Bid'ah. Any good deed which is not opposed to them is praiseworthy". {Meelad celebration does not oppose any of them}
As in the practices of Hajj, the running between Safa and Marwa are legal in order to refresh the remembrance of pious people. Similarly, the celebration of Meelad-un-Nabi {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} is also legal to refresh the remembrance of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}.
Allama Hadrath Jalaaluddin Suyuti {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} writes: "The Shari'ah commanded Aqeeqah on the birth {of a child}. This is a way to thank Allaahu ta’aalaa and rejoice, but on the time of death no such commandment has been given. In fact, mourning and grieving is prohibited. The same principle of Shari'ah demands that happiness and the joy should be expressed in Rabi-ul-Awwal on the birth of the beloved Rasool {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} and not grieve on his Wisaal {Departure from this world}". {Husnul Maqsad Fee Amalil Moulid Al Haawi Lil Fatawa}
Hadrath Imam Suyuti {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} writes about Meelad: "According to me, gatherings, recitations of the Qur’aan, mentioning incidents of the holy life of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} and mentioning those signs which appear at the time of his birth are amongst the good innovations in which a person is rewarded because in this there is respect, love and expression of happiness for the arrival of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}". {Al Haavi Lil Fataawa}
Hadrath Imam Qastalaani {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} writes: "In the month of the birth of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} Muslims always had assemblies. In the nights of that month they gave charities and expressed happiness. They always increased good deeds in those nights. They always made arrangements to read the Meelad of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} with the auspicious {hope} that Allahu ta’aalaa showers His blessings upon them. One of the experienced Barakah {blessing} of Meelad is that the year passes upon them peacefully. May Allaahu ta’aalaa send His Blessings and Favour upon that person who took Meelaad-un-Nabi {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} as Eid, so this Eid should become reason of hardness upon that person who has disease in his heart". {Mawahe bul Le Dunya}
Hadrath Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Delwi {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} writes: "All Muslims have always celebrated Meelad functions in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. They always gave charities in the nights of that month and expressed their happiness. This is a common practice of Muslims that they particularly make mention of those incidents which are related to the birth of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}". {Ma Sabata Bis Sunnah}
Hadrath Mullah Ali Qari {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} writes: "Firstly, we see that it is permissible to arrange an assembly of Meelad. It is permissible to participate in that assembly for the purpose of listening to the praises and character of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}. Inviting people and expressing happiness is permissible. Secondly, we do not say that it is Sunnah to celebrate Meelad on any fixed night. Anyone who believes that it is Sunnah to celebrate Meelad on any fixed night {and not in any other night} is a Bid'ati because the Zikr of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} is required all the time. Yes, in the month in which Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} was born, has more preference". {Al Mouridur-ravi fil Moulidin Nabi}
Hadrath Allama Ibn Abedeen Shami {radiy’Allaahu ta’aalaa anhu} writes: "Every person who is truthful in the love of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} should express happiness in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. He should arrange an assembly for the Meelad of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} in which the incidents of his birth are explained with correct Aahadith. There is a strong hope from Allaahu ta’aalaa that such a person will be included in the group of pious people with the intercession of Rasoolullaah {sall’Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}". {Jawahi Rul Bihaar}
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